Sunday, October 26, 2014

My name is Carol

 Hi, my name is CAROL and I am a PICTURE TAKING FANATIC!

I've become my mother. Except she always had her video camera in hand. Mom would follow the grand kids around taking movies of all their silly plays, tricks and quirky personalities. She did her best to capture everyday moments on film. And then she spent hours transferring the movies onto a vhs for each family. She was dedicated! We all thought it was annoying at times, but wouldn't you know... years later when we could pull those home movies out and reminisce about the good old days, we were happy and thankful for the legacy of love mom left us.

So, it just happens that I now get to remind my children that "one day you are really going to appreciate this!". And they know it. So... I'll just keep snapping pictures of all of our day adventures, daily life, events, trips, funerals, holidays and birthdays, and favorite things. I will put them in books for them to look at. And one day.... they, too, will know I left them a legacy of love! 


  1. Just popping around your blog. I love this post - I feel the same way about photographing to keep memories alive. I'm still trying to get my kids to appreciate the 40 photo albums I've kept of their childhoods. They just don't do it like that anymore. They put all their photos on Instagram and hope they don't disappear from "the cloud" someday!

  2. yes you are! and you are quite good at it.
