Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Message

Share a recent text exchange that made you laugh.

I don't do text on my phone, but I do personal message on Facebook! Here is a text exchange between my sister Kelley and I (written by Kelley). We had a good laugh on this one!

Carol, my sister, stopped by my house today for a visit. We live about 4 hours from each other so we don't see each other very often. This is only the second time this year and the last time was in February. She happened to share a very funny story yesterday in Writer's Workshop on her blog about a stolen 4-wheeler. If you didn't read it, you should. At one point in our conversation we were telling my daughter, Heidi about a funny Facebook message we had shared between us. Carol laughed and said that would have been funny if we had both shared that on Writer's Workshop since one of the prompts was to share a funny text message. It would have, but since we both suffer from advanced age that makes us forget things. We didn't remember our conversation. So for what it's worth, here is that what to us is an amusing conversation that we messaged to each other on Facebook.

Carol: I want to call you in a couple of days about how to set up a template for a specific book size. What time is good for you on Tues.?
Me: call me after 4:30, the kids will be gone
Carol: The reason I want to know about setting up a template is blah, blah, blah. And beside that it would be helpful if I knew about yakkity yak yak. But I don't really understand how to gobbledygook and hibbery gibbery. And so on and so forth. Do you think you can help me?
Me: Ummm. Maybe you should call me now, there are no kids here
Carol: *Laughter* Ok, I'll call you now.