Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Hole

Write about something that creeped you out.

On the Tonight Show last night, Jimmy Fallon did a clip on "The Walking Dead", a show coming back to primetime televison, to the tune of "Welcome back Kotter". I have a difficult time with zombies, vampires, horror, and grossed out monsters and creatures. It totally creeped me out! I will not be watching "The Walking Dead" show ever! period.

I had a total "creep out" this weekend at a daughter's house. I made a trip to my hometown to visit my daughter's, Shaniel, and parents graves and have a sleepover with the grandchildren. We wanted to watch a Halloween show and so we scanned movies on Netflix. We came across the title "The Hole", and a grandson pipped up... that's a good movie. A thriller kind of movie. And, it was rated PG13. So, it was decided we would watch it.

After the popcorn was made, we were all in our pj's, snuggled up on the couch with blankets, and turned on the show... ready for a thrill! Well, the thrill turned into "I don't want to see what's in the hole!" shortly after the movie began. A clown-like, child size jester had been locked in the hole for I don't know how long. And, when the boys (characters in the move) discovered the hole in a recently moved in house, they unleashed the jester. We didn't give it anytime at all to see what this jester was capable of doing! Only that he could wink his eyes and appear anywhere at anytime. It was so creepy. The twins, age 9, were all "creeped out" as much as I was. I have never been a fan of clowns. In fact, I have always disliked them. I'm not sure why. But they have always been very creepy to me... alive or dead! We turned off the show and found another one.

On top of all that, one of the twins and I were sleeping in the boys room that night. My daughter came in and said "I have a hole!". She went to the bedroom closet and pulled the carpet away from the wall and opened up the trap door to the crawl space under the house. Then she descended into the hole. Talk about "creeping" us out again! So, guess who had to sleep with Tera that night? Aunt Amie.

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